This latest high boots like sneakers made up of black patent fabric with black calf trim should be part of your shoe rack. You can see green/red/green band along the height of this sneaker. These black shoes will look good on black frock with frills or it may go with black leopard print dress or gown. The contrast white sole and silver metal detailing makes it ultra comfortable sneakers. You can buy these made in Italy sneakers around $495.00.......And yeah its gucci....!!!
Walauwey....mahal giler...tapi macam kacak la plak sneakers ni....so sape yang dah kaya sangat tu beli la....pastikan beli yg ori....by the way nape plak aku review kasot utk gadis2 nih..??? lolx
info ihsan womensapparel.wordpress.com/.../
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Adakah review kasut ini untuk Rokiah???!
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