Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Movie Super Sedih.....(Johnny got his gun)

This is so much more than an anti-war film,this is one mans journey into a claustrophobic living hell. When joe goes of to war in the name of democracy he gets his arms and legs blown off and becomes blind,deaf and dumb, trapped in his own mind while the doctors believe he is nothing more than a vegetable...brain dead. some of you may remember clips of this film being in the metallica music video "one"........If You wanna watch this movie for free you can find it on youtube....Enjoy....Great movie~!!

p/s This movie is taken from a is written in 1938....WHERE CAN I FIND ONE ??? IF YOU KNOW PLS HELP ME....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bereksperimentasi Dengan Masa Hadapan....

im writing to tell people that im super anxious about my university applications....if i dont get any of them im stuck in uniten....doing IT....!!!
omg....pls help me....i gotta get outta there.....i cant stand it anymore....its nearly 2 months into my holidays and the lack of "HUMAN INTERACTION" has taken its toll....met my friends earlier and i dont know what to talk about...HELP~~~!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

show your color....

glory glory man united.........!!!
we will trash barca.....

Photoshop Mania...

Converse Rocks......

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mari mengundi.......

Vote for Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim kat sni....sini hah click la

Thursday, April 17, 2008


KUALA LUMPUR 16 April – Parti-parti politik Melayu tidak seharusnya terlalu ghairah berpolitik sehingga mengabaikan kepentingan kaum sendiri.

Ketua Satu Gabungan Penulis Nasional (Gapena), Tan Sri Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ismail Hussein berkata, parti-parti berkenaan perlu bersatu padu bagi menyelamat orang Melayu dan sekali gus negara ini.

Ini kerana, kata beliau, pertubuhan itu mendapati terdapat unsur perkauman yang tebal pada pilihan raya lalu.

“Pada ketika ini, beberapa parti politik Melayu pula nampak ghairah dengan kemenangan yang diperoleh, tetapi kelihatan mereka tidak memegang kuasa secara mutlak, mereka seolah-olah ditunggangi kepentingan yang lain bukannya kepentingan Melayu.

“Jika keadaan ini berlanjutan ia akan memusnahkan bangsa Melayu,” katanya dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Menurut beliau, parti politik Melayu terutama UMNO pula terpaksa menjadi pemimpin nasional, sehingga tidak dapat memberi perhatian kepada masalah bangsa sendiri.

Sehubungan itu, katanya, Gapena akan mengadakan Kongres Permuafakatan Melayu di Johor Bahru pada 2 dan 3 Mei ini tanpa penyertaan langsung ahli-ahli politik Melayu.

“Kami rasa perlu ada institusi lain untuk menjaga perihal kemelayuan dan kongres ini diharap diiktiraf oleh semua parti politik Melayu serta bangsa Melayu umumnya,” katanya.

Semalam, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Norza Zakaria berkata, pihaknya mengadakan perbincangan tidak rasmi melibatkan tiga parti terbesar mewakili kaum Melayu iaitu UMNO, Pas dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tentang permuafakatan untuk mempertahankan hak serta hala tuju orang Melayu.

Diambil dari Utusan Malaysia

Nak perjuangkan nasib bangsa tak pa...tapi jangan over....lebih baik perjuang agama....agama merentas bangsa....perjuangan bangsa amat terhad....jangan nak angkat keris jer...kang bangsa lain angkat senapang...baru tao....~!!!

HUJAN...hujan yg air bukan budak2 sengal tu...

smalam ujan lebat giler kat rumah aku....air naik...nasib tak banjir....kete aku dah tenggelam da skit....pheewww...nasib....

nuff said...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rase2 dia nak main tak utk mesia..???hahahah


Monday, 24th January 1983


Sunday, 29th April 2001

51 League apps (+53 as sub), 26 goals

Malaysian Football..???Apa tu..???

bunch of retards yg prasan hebat pakai baju nike....

Do you guys watch Malaysian Football...???
I bet you dont....
who does..???
coz its so damn stupid....
why stupid..???
coz we are ranked 170th in the fifa list...
yes thats right...
wtf happened, we used to be good...?
some s@#& happened thats why....

I have lost faith in our football......but i do hope before i die , malaysia will play in the world cup....

Prince of Manchester.....

With 4 years still left in his contract Cristiano " happy feet " Ronaldo is set to sign a new deal with Manchester United(best club ever) that will make him the highest paid player in the BPL.....He will get 150,000 pound a week......yikes.....kaya siot...After 2 years of superb form he really deserves the new contract and hopefully this will keep Real Madrid away for good......Manchester United Boley~!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008


people...i have a confession...
i like shoes...
i "LIKE" shoes.....
it started with adidas sneakers....
now i love chuck taylors....i have 1....(ori ah, tiruan x main la makcik pakcik)
and i wish i can afford a new pair.....
a simple black and white or just white....*air liur meleleh.....
so for now tgk gambar je la...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

sofiya yg comei....

tadaaa...inilah objek kiut.......hehehe

tupac once said...

"im not sure if i will ever change the world, but i will surely spark the minds of those who will change the world"....

what say you...

people say your closest friend is your worst enemy....or something like that....what say you people?....its kindda true in away.....

Attention Deficit Disorder

Do you know whats A.D.D..??I bet u dont so do read this article and hopefully our country will pay more attention to this particular illness and help those with it....(me..???)....

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioural developmental disorder affecting about 3-5% of the world's population under the age of 19.It typically presents itself during childhood, and is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity as well as forgetfulness(me) ,poor impulse control and distractibility
(me)...omg2 im screwed...About 60% of children diagnosed with ADHD retain the condition as adults(totally screwed)...

for more info click here


well hey....there are people who actually reads my blog....omg2....i'll cut down on the "lepas geram" part then....but its my blog....tehee....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A.D.D attacks...........

Kids....listen...if you think you listen to linkin park kau dah rock abis....think gonna continue to rant about things i hate bout "orang muda" young but i hate young people..!!! wats wrong with me.??? god knows....young people are fake i guess...omg lari topik...serangan A.D.D........everybody tries so hard to be in clicks or whatever....for gods sake....stop it...rimas la....bunch of nerds on IRC wont get you far in life....tehee~~ cough2*...trying so hard to fit about people behind their back...back stabbing hard disc humping crazy b%#$.....when will this fakeness end..??ahhhh lega dah lepas perasaan kat blog....hahaha dont worry people i wont go crazy and start shooting people....

Musical Experimente

Hermmmm....lately i have the urge to listen to songs from bob dylan , AC/DC , mr big , van halen....what is happening...???
lagu2 zaman batu.....aiseh
does tat mean im old?
maybe becoz i find music from those era are more artistic and meaningful...their music are a lot more can feel the soul...(cliche la plak).....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tower Record = Keseronokan tahap dewa

went to tower records last weekend.....OMG~~!!!!
i wanna live in the store...ada cd BEN HARPER siot....giler la x sangka boley ada ben harper punya cd...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....~!!!!
the store is amazing, u can even find cds from CAPE VERDE....
and i notice all of the worker there have long hair....hahahaha
rock on people.....rase macam nak beli satu kedai jer.........

anyhow if you like soul/folk/acoustic stuff check out BEN HARPER's music....he is super talented

Saturday, April 5, 2008

no music no life....(penangan tower records)

music is life
music is freedom
music is passion
music is my obsession

she makes good music....(really....!!!)

she is marit larsen....
to know her click here

Thursday, April 3, 2008


blog readability test

Movie Reviews

Huh.....power gak aku...lolx
Wanna know yours..???
Click on the image and find out.....