Kids....listen...if you think you listen to linkin park kau dah rock abis....think again...im gonna continue to rant about things i hate bout "orang muda"...........lol...im young but i hate young people..!!! wats wrong with me.??? god knows....young people are fake i guess...omg lari topik...serangan A.D.D........everybody tries so hard to be in clicks or whatever....for gods sake....stop it...rimas la....bunch of nerds on IRC wont get you far in life....tehee~~ cough2*...trying so hard to fit in...wtf....talking about people behind their back...back stabbing hard disc humping crazy b%#$.....when will this fakeness end..??ahhhh lega dah lepas perasaan kat blog....hahaha dont worry people i wont go crazy and start shooting people....
so what.
people are fake dear friend.
not much of em got yr back when you are falling. yeah they might gave a bit of help but those people are fakers.pity you in the front but stabbing you in the back. us too, maybe, who knows.
we are living in a fake ass world my friend.
just swallow it.
"bunch of nerds on IRC wont get you far in life"...agak HOT ni...hw bout HOT babes on irc...kehkeh...juz jokin~ fake people eyh..they are evrywhere nowadays.
mayb sumtimez itz necessary to fake a lil. to make sum1 happy perhaps. but for me, i really can't fake my feelings coz i feel fake while doing it, plus i can't act..hehe~
sabo jo la jang...lalala~ so, klu i puji tu meaning ikhlas dr hati...cewah~ semangat ni nk komen..signup google ni pon sbb nk komen je..huehuehue~
anywayz, gud job with the blog..gambate2~
i refuse to live in a world where people are so fake....
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