So "they" said that Karpal "api" Singh was disrespectful of the malay sultans...and filed a police report againts him.....what about the two EX menteri "perut" besar who disrespected our sultans...????why dont the goverment take the same actions againts them.....bila orang melayu sendiri hina sultan diam je....bila si kapal api ni silap skit dah kecuh nak perjuang kesultanan melayu....(konon)........omg do they think us malaysians are that stupid..???
please stop the drama of membela nasib melayu,ketuanan melayu crap.....kalau dah merempit je keje macam mana nak jadi tuan????bodoh jugak bangsa aku ni kadang2....cakap nak kecoh nak menang je keje...tapi malas tau nak melepak je....tau nak bg menantu kaya je...kalau mcm ni perangai macam mana org lain nak hormat ketuanan melayu...????tolong la x bodoh sangat.... ....aku tgk la kan...the ones who always play the racial issue have always been UMMMM NOOOOO............ISA please dont tangkap me.....I only write how i feel about the current issues....
1 comment:
Depa berani buat sebab tak ada sapa berani nak tangkap depa.
Tindas rakyat pandai, pastu kata nak perjuangkan hak org melayu....
Tun Mahathir is right when he said...UMNO sekarang is not the same as the OLD UMNO....
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