Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Jariku Berterabur...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Chuck Season 2

Season 2, Episode 1: Chuck Versus the First Date
Original Air Date—29 September 2008Team Chuck recovers some equipment. They're told it's the last component for the new Intersect, which will be brought on line. Chuck is relieved at the prospect of returning to a normal life and asks Sarah out. Meanwhile Casey receives orders that cause some inner conflict.
Season 2, Episode 2: Chuck Versus the SeductionOriginal Air Date—6 October 2008The team finds out the real part for the Intersect has been stolen. The team tracks down a legendary agent, who has had experience dealing with female spies. Chuck must learn the art of seduction. |
Season 2, Episode 3: Chuck Versus the Break-UpOriginal Air Date—13 October 2008Fulcrum has intercepted an update for the new Intersect. The chip has data that could expose Team Chuck. Bryce and Sarah must pose as a married couple to get the chip back. Chuck's jealousy causes some problems, but Sarah's decisions endanger the mission, and forces Chuck to make some decisions of his own. Meanwhile the Buy More crew must deal with bullies from a sports store. |
Season 2, Episode 4: Chuck Versus the CougarsOriginal Air Date—20 October 2008A person from Sarah's past recognizes her, Sarah tries her best to avoid her, but Chuck gets a flash. Now Sarah has no choice but to go to her High School Reunion. |
Season 2, Episode 5: Chuck Versus Tom SawyerOriginal Air Date—27 October 2008Chuck flashes on a person at the Buy More, he's a nuclear terrorist looking for Jeff. Chuck hangs out with Jeff to discover why he's being targeted. The team will need Jeff's help prevent a nuclear attack. |
Season 2, Episode 6: Chuck Versus the ExOriginal Air Date—10 November 2008Chuck goes to a corporate office and encounters his ex-girlfriend, Jill. He tries to avoid her but they catch up. Later he gets a flash on one of Jill's associates. Now he must reconnect with Jill to determine her involvement. The Buy More crew must pass CPR certification. |
Season 2, Episode 7: Chuck Versus the Fat LadyOriginal Air Date—17 November 2008General Beckman finds intelligence that suggests Guy had a list of Fulcrum Agents. She orders the team to find the list. This causes some problems when Chuck tries to rekindle his romance with Jill. When Jill is endangered, Chuck is forced to make some difficult decisions, and the team is not prepared for what comes next. |
Season 2, Episode 8: Chuck Versus the GravitronOriginal Air Date—24 November 2008Casey and Sarah discover Jill's secret and race to warn Chuck. Now the team tries to lay a trap for Jill, but Jill's not alone. Chuck will find out more about their break up, and he'll have to decide if they should try to rekindle their romance. |
Season 2, Episode 9: Chuck Versus the SenseiOriginal Air Date—1 December 2008 |
Season 2, Episode 10: Chuck Versus the DeLoreanOriginal Air Date—8 December 2008 |
Season 2, Episode 11: Chuck Versus Santa ClausOriginal Air Date—15 December 2008Next US airings:
Season 2, Episode 12: Chuck Versus the Best Friend |
Season 2, Episode 13: Chuck Versus the Third Dimension
Malaysia Humiliated Again( and again and again and again)

And this time its Thailand's turn to humiliate us. Yesterdays game was absolutely rubbish. I cant believe I've spent 90 minutes seeing us getting trashed by Thailand. It was men against boys affair and we were outplayed and out muscled by the Thais. As among the last few supporter of
' Malaysian football ' I am losing my patience with our team.
So I have ' formulated ' a strategy to save us ;
1. NO politicians should be in in FAM(leave football to footballers).
2. NO ' sultans' should be in FAM(we dont need drama in football).
3. Turn football in Malaysia into a business.
4. ALLOW foreign players in our league.
5. Encourage players to play abroad.
6. Set up football academys all over the country.
7. Better league format.
8. Better pitch.
9. Better facilities.
FAM if you really care about our football please buck up and for once listen to the fans and stop listening to the politicians. Until FAM is free from politicians and sultans we will never improve. You can bet your life on that.
Baju nak cantik, iklan nak mahal, rambut nak gaya, main macam beruk...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Menggu yang Memenatkan...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Laila's Lounge
Semua yang jadi tanda tanya
Buat hatiku tak keruan
Dia wajah yang berkeliaran
Aku, kudamba kehadirannya
Oh mawar khayalan
Bawaku terbang tinggi
Jauh rentasan awan
Dari duniaku yang hampa
Seluas laut yang terbentang
Dan buihnya terapung di awangan
Derita, dunia yang mencengkam
Cuba untuk aku bertahan
Semua yang jadi tanda tanya
Buat hatiku tak keruan..
Oh mawar khayalan
Bawaku terbang tinggi
Jauh rentasan awan
Dari duniaku yang hampa..
Kecewa tak bermakna..
Semua..hanyalah tipu daya..
Modenisasi hanya..
Semua yang jadi tanda tanya
Buat hatiku tak keruan
Dia oh wajah yang berkeliaran
Aku, kudamba kehadirannya..
Oh mawar khayalan
Bawaku terbang tinggi
Jauh rentasan awan
Dari duniaku yang hampa
Kecewa tak bermakna
Semua hanyalah tipu daya
Modenisasi hanya..
Untuk haiwan di rimba..
Globalisasi cuma..
Jadi tuan si hamba..
Ooo monarki untuk apa..
Badut-badut istana..
Oh mawar khayalan
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Im Back....

Hey people im back.........hahahhah
after 2 week hiatus im back...bigger faster stronger...tehheee...
I've just found out that a bookstore is a good place to check out chicks...hahahaha
How come i never know bout this before........
A place where I can find chicks with brains....What a combo.....
THANK YOU GOD~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Im freakin out people....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Andy Cole Quits Football
Hie all......
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Lepas parlimen kitorang pun.....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find
Hari Terbuka Bersama Anak-Anak Yatim Di Msu

At the end of the day it was a great day and I had a lot of fun entertaining...Wish the university will have more charity work such as this...Berhibur sambil beramal la katakan....a great day out...!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A day in my thursday...

Walk back to class for more "learning"....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kegatalan melanda diri
so usha2 la eh...tehee... ( jangan lupa add kat link korang eh....tenkiu)
Monday, October 27, 2008
2. ayamas(lol)
3. bear(zaman skola dlu, coz aku kacak sgt kot hahah)
1. ntah
2.malas nak pikir
3. zzzzz........
1. blogging
2. download the simpsons season 20 ep 2
3. dota
1. tido putsal
3. gi kelas LAW...hahahah
1. Marit Larsen- If A Song Could Get Me You
2. Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
3. Metallica- Day That Never Comes
--THREE PERSONS(group)YOU MISS FROM YOUR PAST: x ley sebot malu
2.ala malas la nak pikir....
1. e8200 intel processor
2. 96oogt graphic card
3. 22' inch widescreen samsung lcd
1. surfing net & blogging
2. titon
3. dengar lagu yg
1. Norway
2. Old Trafford
3. Kodiang,
1. Doraemon
2. Goku
3. Kampong Boy
1. Mines
2. Alamanda
3. Mid
1. Teh Ais
2. Milo Ais
3. Limau Ais
1. Wallet
2. Handphone
3. Notes
1. Black
2. Blue
3. White
1. my room
2. anywhere in front of tv
3. mamak
1. spaghetti
2. nasi ayam
3. junk food
1. My PC yang ku cintai....
2. my guitar
3. my bantal
1. Funny
2. Calm and collected
3.Happy2 slaluk...
1. KELAS~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. KELAS~!!!!!!!
3. KELAS~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. sbb kene tag
2. sbb bosan
3. sbb nak buang elektrik...hahaha
1. x bizi pon
1. i dont tag
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
day out at time square....

last sunday aku gi TS lepak2 ngan membe skola aku.....macam besa la bila guys lepak , bukannya ade wat pa pon...jus makan2 n den movie..... the movie tho was shitty....hahaha
its the worst movie i've ever seen.....macam haram dah la tak bes dia punya acting pon macam highschool punya actors....wakkwkakwakkw....
wat a waste of my money.... 11 bucks tu beb....
so if u guys ade terpikir nak usha movie ni...bek korang gi derma kat masjid ke ape ke....takpon paling kurang gi blanje awek makan roti canai....ada gak pahala...
normal rants.....

aite fellas here how things gonna go this sem.... i am going to get at least 3.2 gpa... i am going to buy an intel E8400 (45nm) processor ( 560 now , shud be cheaper by the time i hav the money)..... i am going to not limit myself by being afraid....
i am going to exercise and get in shape...hehehe i am going to do what i had just said what i wanted to do......
" if you want some , go get some " - will smith
i kno the pic have nothin to do with my post....but watever...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
tragedi oktober.....
bulan oktober ni banyak betol dugaan aku kena hadapi....tuhan je la yg tao...tapi yang paling aku tak tahan pc aku kena lightning....(bukan lighting..huauahua another tacky joke)...abis rentung power supply , motherboard dan yang paling aku sakit hati graphic card pon kena....wtfun betol....abih duit aku kuar repair pc....
so tu la aku lama tak bukak blog...hehehehe...ape2 pon kepada korang yg rajin usha page ni aku ucapkan trimas....
kalo ade ape2 cadangan korang post je kat meg board tu....konpem aku bace....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
mesia oh mesia......
Sejak berzaman kita seringkali di ingatkan yakni negara kita adalah sebuah negara Islam(oleh korang tau2 je la sape kalo aku tulis lebih2 kang kena cekup plak).....jadi aku nak tanya korang...rasa2nya kita ni negara islam ker? ataupun negara hadhari..??(hehhe lols)
okeh aku taknak membebel saje tanpa fakta...jadi fakta pertama...jeng3...
korang bukak perlembagaan malaysia...dak2 uniten konpem adenya....kita kena blajar dulu mase pondesen....okeh...bila dah ade perlembagaan depan muka korang bukak artikel 3...
bace puas2....dalam tu tulih ISLAM is the relegion of the federation.....jadi adakah ini bermakna islam tu agama rasmi persekutuan ataupun adakah persekutuan tu sebuah negara islam....tu pun nak tanya ker..??? terang terangan kata Islam tu agama rasmi...jadi dgn baca artikel ni pon korang bley tao yg kita ni bukannya negara islam....kalau kita bandingkan dgn Pakistan....dalam perlembagaan diorang ade terang2 menyatakan negara diorang tu negara islam....
eh....aku nya donlod Dark Knight dah la aku tgk mobie sat...huahuahua.....
crush, crush....
bila cuti tiba......
raya oh raya........
tapi kali ni raye biase2 jer....kecil kecilan....barang mahal la
mcm besa pagi solat...pastu balik makan....lepak2....pastu tido sat....pastu makan balik....hahahahha....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
people are doin i thaught why not..???
Are you fasting right now?
- tak...tgh pagi bute....
What would you like to have for buka?
- love...hauhaua
Describe Malaysia’s politics(currently) in one word
- some crazy shit is happenin man....
What wud u like ur boyfriend/girlfriend to call u the most?
- this question is an insult........
What are the five things that would absolutely make u happy?
- katy perry,jessica alba,food,money and ice cream
Who tagged you?
- Sushi...wink2
Describe the person who tagged you
- lol...bahaye ni...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dating 101: How to Handle Rejection

Sunday, September 21, 2008
mana satu idaman kalbu......
Return of the Retro...

Korang layan tak the beatles..???
tak layan..???
kenape tak layan...???
siot ah tak layan...??
takpe takpe...besa la beatles tu dah lama...dak2 zaman kita mane nak kenal kan....?
so if korang rase nak try something "new"....
i suggest you guys to listen these tracks by the beatles ;
1. let it be
2. yesterday
4.hey jude
5. octupus garden
memang layan diorang i kno why they are called the best band ever walked the earth and such an inspiration to musicians all over the world...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Random Rant.......
huauahuahu....lepas geram...skarang ni makin ramai bloggers yang diserang oleh ISA....aku amat kesal...dimanakah kebebasan bersuara yang telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan...???
ISA tu akta kuno...zaman batu....nak mengawal suara rakyat....undang2 kita yang tersedia ada ni tak bagus ker..???kenapa perlu ISA.....ISA tu kejam...bayangkan kebebasan kita dirampas dengan mudah sekali....without trial...sapa yang pandai nak guna ISA tu cuba korang yang jadi tahanan tengok....camne rase..???
baik2...enuff bout ISA...kang aku plak yang kena....hauhaua......skang ni aku terpanggil la nak blog pasal racism....dah2 la tu...hentikan la....takda faedah pon....kita semua rakyat mesia...tak kira bangsa atau agama....kita semua sama...kalau luka darah merah gak....
let it be lyrics
When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Islam is COOL...
Surah 109. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Surah 112. Al-Ikhlas (The Unity, Sincerity, Oneness Of Allah)
1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
4. And there is none like unto Him.
Surah 113. Al-Falaq (The Daybreak, Dawn)
1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
2. From the mischief of created things;
3. From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
4. From the mischief of those who practise secret arts;
5. And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy.
Surah 114. An-Nas (Mankind)
1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
2. The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
3. The Allah (for judge) of Mankind,-
4. From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
5. (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
6. Among Jinns and among men.
Wonders of Wikipedia....

I was browsing thru wikipedia and guess i have just found.....Kindda interesting....
Malaysian Jews is a term used to refer to Jews living in Malaysia, or those originally from the country. They mainly live in the state of Penang, but they can also be found elsewhere in the nation, especially in Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. The Malaysian Jews consist mainly of Oriental Jews (the majority of whom are Baghdadi Jews), with the rest being European Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) and possibly Chinese Jews, who fled from Kaifeng, China, who during the Communist take-over of mainland China from the Nationalist Chinese in 1949.
Aku tak tao pon kat sni dulu ade jews....
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Metal gods are Back~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Estrella( aku da bli album diorang weh..x jeles ah)

Radiatorku panas.....

Sunday, August 31, 2008
lepak2 bersama membe2 skola....

Thursday, August 21, 2008
memang menarik ni....mampos la dia nak jawab kene serang dok bg kontrak kat menantu!!!
kamon2..undi dengan bijak!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
al kisah buta IT.....
HAHAHAHA.... I KNO.....BUTA IT.....~!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
aku saorang pok cik~~~
aku pakcik kepada seorang bayi bernama Darius Yusuf Zariq...
hehehe.....may god bless me with strength and wisdom so that i will be a good example for him......
Thursday, July 31, 2008
so no new post until i finish my mid term~
Thursday, July 10, 2008
tajuk debat utk dak2 debat msu(alam sekitar)...
Debat alam sktar 2008
1st round:
1. Pmbngunan mapan mmpu mnjanakeseimbangan alm skitar
2. Pncemaran sg di msia sudah xde harapan
3. Demi alam, konsep pncemar bayar prlu dikuatkuasakn
2nd round:
1. Undg2 jwpn tbaik kpd pmslhn alm skitar
2. Kitar semula: hngat2 tahi ayam
3. Pndidikan alam sekitar di msia x tntu arah
quarter round:
1. Kita spkat mngani mslah prubhn iklim dunia
Semi round:
2. Pnggunaan lestari smber asli mnjamin pmliharaan alam skitar
3. Kita ckup serius mngani isu alam skitar
Sunday, July 6, 2008
top 5 reason why saiful kene liwat.....
2.yg liwat tu org BN
4.bodoh skit
5.dia yang nak~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat the fun...????????????????????????????????????
ahahha.....what people do for money these days.....
Malaysia bergegar.....
aku kesian la dengan dengan DSAI.....sudah kekeringan idea agaknya pihak kerajaan....sehingga mereka "recycle" balik taktik lama....adoi....igt org mesia ni jahil sangatkah.....PAK LAH, out....what goes up must come down.....!!!
dah la guna taktik murahan kat tv3 smalam....jangan la nak gunakan agama nak kaburi rakyat....macam la korang beriman sangat...hahahahh klakar....malu sangat aku sebagai orang melayu tengok.....kalau nik aziz yang wat macam tu takpa la kan korang...~!!! WTH>>>??????????????????
oh well bila dah terdesak people will do anything to save people have sunk so low....i expected more....!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
katak lompat tapi tak tinggi....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
lompat sikatak lompat
so be4 aku gerak aku ade satu post....heheheh
its my new entry called "top 5 list"......this will be my new feature on this blog....1 top 5 list every week.....this week punya tajuk " top 5 way to know your old or getting old"
1.U stop listening to and start listening to mix
2.U know what saved by the bell is
3.U watched friends (not the re-runs)
4.u start listening to frank sinatra
5.thinks emo is silly
lol mcam x kelakar....ape2 pon stay tuned more will come....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
love this song...
Cannot fall, never do regret
Know just what is being said
know the risk you take
Keep your head above it all
Sure you can fall
but not now you gotta prove
something new, being you, being you
Can't feel, keep from asking why
be the strongest at goodbyes
know your place in life
now expand your wings and fly
it reaches high but not,
enough you seem to me
so incomplete, swept off your feet
And let me tell you they will always pull you down
Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around
They will fight and struggle
to blur and trouble
your sense of solid ground
Cannot know, lose your self-control
be and angel over all
know your secret way
laugh at everything they say
Will you remain the same?
And now you dare not see
what`s letting go
inside of me,is it me?
And they will always�
Keep your head above it all, sure you can fall
but not now you gotta prove
And they will always pull you down
Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around
They will haunt your every dream
they will make you come undone at the seams
And they will fight and struggle
to blur and trouble
your sense of solid ground?
Keep your head above it all
Sure you can fall
but not now you gotta prove
Something new, being you, being you
tulisan membabun buta...
for me i think its kindda funny....its like getting to know the same bunch of people all over again...reflecting back on my days as a student in school i guess i really miss how things was...there are a lot of things i wish i would have done differently...i have my regrets...but i guess you learn from your mistakes...
and now a new chapter of my life had just began hopefully i will make the right the plots in our lives unfold you is like learning to ride a WILL fall....its how you get back on...and once you can paddle around the neighborhood all the pain will be do the best you can and hope for the best....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
time to reflect....
tetiba plak aku berfalsafah....but this is what have been on my mind for days , so im writing this down to remind myself....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008

From executive producer, Josh Schwartz ("The O.C.") and executive producer-director McG ("Charlie's Angels," "We Are Marshall") comes a one-hour, action-comedy series about Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi, "Less Than Perfect") -- a computer geek who is catapulted into a new career as the government's most vital secret agent. When Chuck opens an e-mail subliminally encoded with government secrets, he unwittingly downloads an entire server of sensitive data into his brain. Now, the fate of the world lies in the unlikely hands of a guy who works at a Buy More Electronics store. Instead of fighting computer viruses, he must now confront assassins and international terrorists.
With the government's most precious secrets in Chuck's head, Major John Casey of the National Security Agency (Adam Baldwin, "My Bodyguard") assumes the responsibility of protecting him. His partner is the CIA's top agent (and Chuck's first date in years), Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strzechowski, "Gone"). They'll try to keep him safe by trading in his pocket protector for a bulletproof vest. Also starring are Joshua Gomez ("Without a Trace") as Morgan, Chuck's best buddy, and Sarah Lancaster ("What About Brian?") as Chuck's ever-supportive sister, Ellie. Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak wrote, "Chuck," which is produced by College Hill Pictures, Wonderland Sound and Vision, in association with Warner Bros. Television.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Karpal " Api " Singh....wheel chair bandit...

So "they" said that Karpal "api" Singh was disrespectful of the malay sultans...and filed a police report againts him.....what about the two EX menteri "perut" besar who disrespected our sultans...????why dont the goverment take the same actions againts them.....bila orang melayu sendiri hina sultan diam je....bila si kapal api ni silap skit dah kecuh nak perjuang kesultanan melayu....(konon)........omg do they think us malaysians are that stupid..???
please stop the drama of membela nasib melayu,ketuanan melayu crap.....kalau dah merempit je keje macam mana nak jadi tuan????bodoh jugak bangsa aku ni kadang2....cakap nak kecoh nak menang je keje...tapi malas tau nak melepak je....tau nak bg menantu kaya je...kalau mcm ni perangai macam mana org lain nak hormat ketuanan melayu...????tolong la x bodoh sangat.... ....aku tgk la kan...the ones who always play the racial issue have always been UMMMM NOOOOO............ISA please dont tangkap me.....I only write how i feel about the current issues....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Movie Super Sedih.....(Johnny got his gun)

This is so much more than an anti-war film,this is one mans journey into a claustrophobic living hell. When joe goes of to war in the name of democracy he gets his arms and legs blown off and becomes blind,deaf and dumb, trapped in his own mind while the doctors believe he is nothing more than a vegetable...brain dead. some of you may remember clips of this film being in the metallica music video "one"........If You wanna watch this movie for free you can find it on youtube....Enjoy....Great movie~!!
p/s This movie is taken from a is written in 1938....WHERE CAN I FIND ONE ??? IF YOU KNOW PLS HELP ME....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bereksperimentasi Dengan Masa Hadapan....